Mineral Specimen Collected From Central India 175 Years Ago Turns Out to be a Dinosaur Egg

Mineral Specimen Collected From Central India 175 Years Ago Turns Out to be a Dinosaur Egg

Mineral Specimen Collected From Central India 175 Years Ago Turns Out to be a Dinosaur Egg

In a surprising discovery, a mineral specimen that was collected from central India 175 years ago has been identified as a dinosaur egg. The egg was discovered by a British geologist in the 19th century and has been housed in the British Museum's mineral collection since then. The discovery sheds new light on the evolution of dinosaurs and the history of India's geology. In this article, we will delve deeper into this exciting discovery and what it means for science.

The History of the Mineral Specimen

The mineral specimen was collected from the Lameta Formation in the Jabalpur district of central India in 1848. It was sent to the British Museum where it was labeled as a "round pebble" and stored in the mineral collection. It was only recently that scientists identified the specimen as a dinosaur egg. The discovery was made by a team of researchers from the University of Texas and the Indian Statistical Institute.

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The Egg's Identification

The egg is made of agate, a type of quartz that forms in cavities in volcanic rock. The researchers used high-resolution micro-CT scanning to examine the specimen and found that it had a complex internal structure consistent with that of a dinosaur egg. The egg has a diameter of 13 cm and is estimated to have been laid by a sauropod dinosaur, a herbivore that was one of the largest animals to ever walk the Earth.

The Importance of the Discovery

This discovery is significant because it is the first known dinosaur egg on record. It provides new insights into the evolution of dinosaurs and their history in India. The Lameta Formation is known for its abundance of dinosaur fossils, including the titanosaurs, a group of sauropods that were the last surviving dinosaurs before the mass extinction event that wiped them out 66 million years ago.

The discovery also highlights the importance of museum collections in scientific research. The mineral specimen had been stored in the British Museum for 175 years before its true identity was revealed. This shows that there are likely many more specimens in museum collections that have yet to be fully examined and identified.

The discovery of a dinosaur egg in a mineral collection that had been stored for 175 years is an exciting breakthrough for paleontologists and geologists. It provides new insights into the evolution of dinosaurs and their history in India. It also highlights the importance of museum collections in scientific research. We can expect that there will be many more discoveries like this in the future as scientists continue to study the specimens stored in museum collections around the world.

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